So... It's our 4th anniversary here at Construx. We'll be expecting memes in the mail. Lots has happened on the personal and professional front that has had us somewhat distracted over the last year, as you'll undoubtedly notice the lack of posts over the last 365 days. While we're working on some new content--some of which you'll even see this week--here are some old posts you might've missed or not paid any attention to. Now's your chance! Keep around this week for some Canadian Construx memories and, of course, cats!
Paul and I discuss the origins of the site under the influence of YOU!
The basic message:
Because we were too lazy to film any new videos:
I always thought this was funny:
Some other videos that were a fitting tribute this year.
This time last year, we were ramping up production on the third season of Lobster Lobby. We were beginning to investigate some weighty personal issues. We were attempting a tempting new series called What's Your G-Snack. We were2/3rds employed, half-happy, and ready for new starts. Well, that's how that all went.
I know I should be thanking anyone who has kept up with the site or at any point was involved. I don't think there are any of those people, though. Instead, let me thank Paul and Ryan for being friends, collaborators and smart guys who listened to me when I needed to be heard. If for no other reason--and there is no other reason--that has made Construx Nunchus worth one more stab.
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0 Construxive Remarx