Zimmers Hole - 1312. Another Canadian band, Zimmers Hole is a Death Metal band. Unlike your normal death metal band, these guys don't take themselves too seriously. 99% of their songs are ridiculous with nonsensical lyrics screamed over some complex music. If you look up these guys you well probably not understand the majority of their songs. Most people find them "stupid". I picked this track because it is one of the few that actually can be considered a song. Fantastic band, and a favorite summer jam of mine!
Zimmers Hole - 1312 (Download link)
Zimmers Hole - 1312 (Download link)
As you know I am a HUGE National fan. They dropped a surprise single on me during the finale of Game of Thrones. Its not an atypical National song. Heavy baritone, soft dredging undertone, and haunting lyrics. This isnt exactly a "jam" but a nice outside looking at the campfire and ponder type of song.
The song is called Rain of Castamere you can download it FREE HERE enjoy.
The song is called Rain of Castamere you can download it FREE HERE enjoy.
DZK - The Soul Truth. DZK is by FAR my favorite rapper. I am pretty sure he doesn't have a normal human lung capacity. He is a massive part of my summer music because he has so many different styles. I had at least 20 songs I wanted for this post, but sadly could only pick one. This is one of the more recent songs of his I came across and was blown away. His timing is unlike anything I have ever heard and this song is a beautiful example of his excellence. I may consider adding a few more of his songs during the cXnX summer jamz, assuming the other boys don't kick me out for doing so!
DZK - The Sould Truth (Download link)
DZK - The Sould Truth (Download link)
Hank Williams III
Ryans Construx Summer Jamz #4 Hank Williams III
11:22:00 AMRyan Noble
Hank Williams III - Dick in Dixie. Most country music I cannot stand. There are a few exceptions and one is Hank Williams III. Not only does he make actual "country music" without pop, or rock elements but he attempts to keep that old sound that his father and grandfather made so popular. This song makes me laugh, making fun of today's country music needed to be done, and HWIII was the right man. The music blows my mind. It is so complete. In my mind, Hank Williams III (and Garth Brooks, *hides*) ARE country music.
Hank Williams III - Dick in Dixie (Download Link)
Hank Williams III - Dick in Dixie (Download Link)
The Maccabees are a band that I'm pretty late to the party with. Three albums in the song Pelican really caught me as a breath of fresh air in the current music scene. Their sound is very melodious with dashes of vocal brilliance. This song is great to bob your head to without grabbing your face and forcing it down your throat.
The song is Pelican and you can have it FREE HERE enjoy.
I am proud to say that I have watched every episode of the first season several times. I have recently watched them since being a contributor for this fantastic web site. But, before that I watched them as a fan. And don't get me wrong, I love the show more since getting the chance to work with these damaged minds. On this journey from fan to internet super star one thing has not changed... (I have a feeling Ian and Paul are gonna cringe soon)
... My favorite episode from the first season of Lobster Lobby is the 53rd episode. (Often mistaken for the 1st episode). Everything about it makes me laugh. Ian's jokes in it were fantastic in the same way The Cryptkeepers jokes were fantastic at the beginning and ending of Tales From the Crypt (Any TFTC comparison from this guy is gold). It was the little things that made this episode work so well.
I also loved the pictures, the lobster with the mustache might be the greatest picture in the history of the internet, and who can forget the the lobster in the beautiful coat?
I am a fan of the entire first season, but these are the some of the reasons the first episode is my favorite.
Not only did I laugh at this episode but I learned a lot from it as well. Not only did I learn how to smoke a pipe (was that right?) but I learned how fantastic the Lobster is. So for that, I thank you Lobster Lobby!
Enjoy. Lobster Lobby S01E01
... My favorite episode from the first season of Lobster Lobby is the 53rd episode. (Often mistaken for the 1st episode). Everything about it makes me laugh. Ian's jokes in it were fantastic in the same way The Cryptkeepers jokes were fantastic at the beginning and ending of Tales From the Crypt (Any TFTC comparison from this guy is gold). It was the little things that made this episode work so well.
I also loved the pictures, the lobster with the mustache might be the greatest picture in the history of the internet, and who can forget the the lobster in the beautiful coat?
I am a fan of the entire first season, but these are the some of the reasons the first episode is my favorite.
Not only did I laugh at this episode but I learned a lot from it as well. Not only did I learn how to smoke a pipe (was that right?) but I learned how fantastic the Lobster is. So for that, I thank you Lobster Lobby!
Enjoy. Lobster Lobby S01E01
This week our loyal travelin host lands in Colorado Springs, CO--

He encounters some local flavors

...a taste of home:
He stays at the Timber Lodge, very lovely place...

And opens the books on a startling mystery plaguing the small town:!

I don't have a bunch to offer from Colorado Springs in the way of my own photos and videos, but plenty from others.
We were on two different news programs:
Here is info leading to FOX 21 Local News--
ANd here's a little background footage:
Haha, yeah the meals Are pretty big!!
We were at KKTV (Co Springs CBS affiliate) for 3 minutes under the unsteady hand of Stacia "Shiny Phone and Big Wedding Ring" Johnson. Can't find a link to that.
Finally, here's a link to a professional photographer's take on what was impressive:
Please remember to submit your questions about life on the road with the cat circus to construxnunchux@gmail.com
He encounters some local flavors
...a taste of home:
He stays at the Timber Lodge, very lovely place...
And opens the books on a startling mystery plaguing the small town:!
I don't have a bunch to offer from Colorado Springs in the way of my own photos and videos, but plenty from others.
We were on two different news programs:
Here is info leading to FOX 21 Local News--
ANd here's a little background footage:
Haha, yeah the meals Are pretty big!!
We were at KKTV (Co Springs CBS affiliate) for 3 minutes under the unsteady hand of Stacia "Shiny Phone and Big Wedding Ring" Johnson. Can't find a link to that.
Finally, here's a link to a professional photographer's take on what was impressive:
Please remember to submit your questions about life on the road with the cat circus to construxnunchux@gmail.com
Zakk Wyldes Pride and Glory - Machine Gun Man. I am a huge Zakk Wylde fan. And though I enjoy his band Black Label Society, my favorite stuff from him were his two solo albums before starting BLS. Pride and Glory was his first release. Machine Gun Man was the first song that stuck out when I heard the album. After hearing Zakk shred for Ozzy, I always figured guitar was his main ability. After hearing this album I learned he is a great vocalist as well (and killer on the piano). I love this song, and it was difficult picking one I would post from such a great album.
Pride and Glory - Machine Gun Man (download link)
Pride and Glory - Machine Gun Man (download link)
This is a list of my top 10 favorite moves used in wrestling. I created this list based on moves that I most enjoyed during my many years as a wrestling geek. These moves are not the greatest moves of all time, just ones that stick out the most in my broken brain. Please comment with you favorite wrestling moves.
(Not all of these moves are shown by the creator of the move, but wrestlers I associate the move with. Also I believe all names used are the correct names. With all the leagues, sometimes the real names of moves can be mixed up)
10. C-4
The first time I saw this move I was blown away. A wrestler named Paul Burchell pulled it off. I was surprised when he pulled this move off. I remember seeing this guy come out with his pirate gimmick and thinking he was the biggest joke ever. And I was right, but at the end of the match when he dropped this gem I was blown away. This is one of those moves that requires as much work from the guy receiving the move as it does the wrestler performing the move. Do I think this is the most effective move? No.. But DAMN it looks cool!
9. Diamond Cutter/ RKO
Back when WCW was still around, I loved DDP's move the Diamond Cutter. However when Randy Orton started his variation of the move (the RKO) I really liked it. This move has been used by many wrestlers in many different promotions. Orton always managed to pull the move off out of nowhere no matter where he was in the ring. The video attached was when he pulled the move on Carlito at Unforgiven 2006 in Toronto. (Of course I was there)
8. Shooting Star Press
The Shooting Star Press, like many moves is a move that has been used by many wrestlers and has always impressed me. The move is so dangerous, and mostly for the guy preforming the move. The athleticism, accuracy and ability to not hurt yourself or opponent amazes me. The guy who pulled this move off that impressed me the most was Brock Lesnar. No man with his size and strength should be able to pull off a move usually used by light heavyweights.
7. The Lion Tamer/ Walls of Jericho
The Lion Tamer was my favorite move growing up. It is a variation of a Boston Crab. When I would watch Chris Jericho pull off this move I wondered how he didn't break guys necks. Though this move is still used by Jericho, for a long time now he has just done a normal Boston Crab. Which is a great move, but not as devastating as the Lion Tamer
6. The Figure Four Leg Lock
This list cannot exist without Ric Flairs Figure Four. Possibly the greatest submission move of all time (just not my favorite) I cant watch this move being preformed by any wrestler without thinking of Ric. WOOOOOOOOO!
5. The Tombstone
If you follow my posts, you will know Undertaker is my favorite wrestler of all time. When I was younger, the tombstone was a huge reason I thought he was the best. How does he not break everyone's when he does this move? Kane manages to somehow.... One of wrestling's greatest moves of all time. Also, in this video he really plants HBK.
4. The Enziguri
Apparently the internet doesn't agree. I could not find a clip of this move on its own so I had to find THE GREATEST MATCH EVER highlights to find the move. It can be found around the 1:05 mark. This isn't the most impressive move. You may even call it the most predictable move ever. I don't give a shit. When Owen hit a opponent with the Enziguri I always stood up and cheered. I remember when he would make the initial kick and his opponent would catch his foot I always cheered knowing that right foot was about to kick the guy in the face. Owen was and is the King!
3. The Razors Edge
Razor Ramon was the first guy I saw do this move. I have always loved this move. Another move that was pretty dangerous, especially when the guy preforming the move may or may not of been drunk. Say what you will, in his day Razor was one of the greatest in his time and the Razors Edge is one of my favorite moves of all time
2. The Sharpshooter
I wouldn't be Canadian if Bret Harts Sharpshooter wasn't on n this list. I still love seeing this move used. Any time I see someone preform this move I think of Bret Hart. Possibly one of the first moves I thought was "cool" when I was growing up. This move might be the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. (Cheesy pop?)
1. The Canadian Destroyer
There is no more impressive move.. How doesn't everyone die when this move is done? I wont write anything more about this move. My Favorite move of all time...
There where many moves that could of been on this list, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Perfect Plex
Elbow Drop
The D.D.T
(Not all of these moves are shown by the creator of the move, but wrestlers I associate the move with. Also I believe all names used are the correct names. With all the leagues, sometimes the real names of moves can be mixed up)
10. C-4
The first time I saw this move I was blown away. A wrestler named Paul Burchell pulled it off. I was surprised when he pulled this move off. I remember seeing this guy come out with his pirate gimmick and thinking he was the biggest joke ever. And I was right, but at the end of the match when he dropped this gem I was blown away. This is one of those moves that requires as much work from the guy receiving the move as it does the wrestler performing the move. Do I think this is the most effective move? No.. But DAMN it looks cool!
9. Diamond Cutter/ RKO
Back when WCW was still around, I loved DDP's move the Diamond Cutter. However when Randy Orton started his variation of the move (the RKO) I really liked it. This move has been used by many wrestlers in many different promotions. Orton always managed to pull the move off out of nowhere no matter where he was in the ring. The video attached was when he pulled the move on Carlito at Unforgiven 2006 in Toronto. (Of course I was there)
8. Shooting Star Press
The Shooting Star Press, like many moves is a move that has been used by many wrestlers and has always impressed me. The move is so dangerous, and mostly for the guy preforming the move. The athleticism, accuracy and ability to not hurt yourself or opponent amazes me. The guy who pulled this move off that impressed me the most was Brock Lesnar. No man with his size and strength should be able to pull off a move usually used by light heavyweights.
7. The Lion Tamer/ Walls of Jericho
6. The Figure Four Leg Lock
5. The Tombstone
4. The Enziguri
Apparently the internet doesn't agree. I could not find a clip of this move on its own so I had to find THE GREATEST MATCH EVER highlights to find the move. It can be found around the 1:05 mark. This isn't the most impressive move. You may even call it the most predictable move ever. I don't give a shit. When Owen hit a opponent with the Enziguri I always stood up and cheered. I remember when he would make the initial kick and his opponent would catch his foot I always cheered knowing that right foot was about to kick the guy in the face. Owen was and is the King!
3. The Razors Edge
2. The Sharpshooter
1. The Canadian Destroyer
There where many moves that could of been on this list, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Perfect Plex
Elbow Drop
The D.D.T
King Charles is one of my favorite new artists. They have an old tyme style about them like if Jack White wrote for Vampire weekend. Their songs are simple and addictive like sugar coated cat headbutts. The album LoveBlood is another summer release that i have heard 4 tracks from so far and fell in love with all of them. It's definitely worth checking out for a really fresh band.
This song is called Mississippi Isabell and you can download it free HERE enjoy.
This song is called Mississippi Isabell and you can download it free HERE enjoy.
The ability to work the crowd and manipulate a microphone can make an average wrestler great and a great wrestler legendary. The following people I've picked I feel are the very best at telling their story, setting the mood and manipulating a crowd. There were lots to consider but I tried to pick from what I thought was a diverse set of abilities. I hope this inspires some kind of debate or discussion amongst some of you.
5. The Rock
The Rock, before he turned into a one-liner t-shirt selling machine, was/is one of the best to work behind a microphone. The evolution of his character from heel to to ultra heel. He took his weaknesses as a gimmick and made it a strength. He became so hated at one point that it was cool to like him.
Whether you are a fan of his in ring work or not, The Rock would walk into the ring and he never even had to say a word before the crowd was in a frenzy.
His ability to control thousands of people with just a few words was incredible. He always kept the heel arrogance but with enough humor to were it didn't come across a phony.
It cam to a point to where he could make or break anyone's career with a simple poignant promo. He was/is one of the best ever behind the mic.
4. "Hot Rod" Roddy Piper Roddy Piper was a guy who I feel made a living more on his promos than he did with his wrestling skill. He would be able to build up a match to such levels to where you thought him and his opponent were literally going to kill eachother. That's what made him one of the best. He came across as crazy enough to do anything, but he kept his promos realistic enough to where it would tap dance that line between reality and scripted fantasy. He made you believe that he was crazy. Not haha crazy but uh-oh crazy. This was during a time when people just weren't used to that. He made it captivating and believable. Piper continued doing The Piper's Pit while he was being phased from an in ring role and it was a place that you wanted to be as a wrestler. He could build up a match between two stuffed animals and make you believe it would be an absolute bloodbath. 3. Jake "The Snake" Roberts Jake Roberts was another man whose ability to cut a promo superseded his in ring ability. He was different in the fact that he didn't have the catch phrases and he wasn't the loudest most uncontrolled person to interview. He was very terrifyingly cold and calculated. He was the type of guy who would scare you without ever raising his voice. Jake Roberts could draw you into his character whether you liked him or not. He was never really a pure heel or face throughout his career even though they tried to push him in a direction. He was without a doubt one of the best promos guys making you believe that he was capable of crossing the line from wrestling into a dangerous territory and that he wouldn't even care if he did.
5. The Rock
The Rock, before he turned into a one-liner t-shirt selling machine, was/is one of the best to work behind a microphone. The evolution of his character from heel to to ultra heel. He took his weaknesses as a gimmick and made it a strength. He became so hated at one point that it was cool to like him.
Whether you are a fan of his in ring work or not, The Rock would walk into the ring and he never even had to say a word before the crowd was in a frenzy.
His ability to control thousands of people with just a few words was incredible. He always kept the heel arrogance but with enough humor to were it didn't come across a phony.
It cam to a point to where he could make or break anyone's career with a simple poignant promo. He was/is one of the best ever behind the mic.
4. "Hot Rod" Roddy Piper Roddy Piper was a guy who I feel made a living more on his promos than he did with his wrestling skill. He would be able to build up a match to such levels to where you thought him and his opponent were literally going to kill eachother. That's what made him one of the best. He came across as crazy enough to do anything, but he kept his promos realistic enough to where it would tap dance that line between reality and scripted fantasy. He made you believe that he was crazy. Not haha crazy but uh-oh crazy. This was during a time when people just weren't used to that. He made it captivating and believable. Piper continued doing The Piper's Pit while he was being phased from an in ring role and it was a place that you wanted to be as a wrestler. He could build up a match between two stuffed animals and make you believe it would be an absolute bloodbath. 3. Jake "The Snake" Roberts Jake Roberts was another man whose ability to cut a promo superseded his in ring ability. He was different in the fact that he didn't have the catch phrases and he wasn't the loudest most uncontrolled person to interview. He was very terrifyingly cold and calculated. He was the type of guy who would scare you without ever raising his voice. Jake Roberts could draw you into his character whether you liked him or not. He was never really a pure heel or face throughout his career even though they tried to push him in a direction. He was without a doubt one of the best promos guys making you believe that he was capable of crossing the line from wrestling into a dangerous territory and that he wouldn't even care if he did.
2. Mick Foley
In what universe does this man become a beloved superstar? Mick Foley took his hard work and disregard for his body and coupled it with is ability to bend reality with his promos to become a wrestling legend. What was special with Mick is how diverse he was. When he was Mankind he would screech, pull his hair, and deliver some of the most chilling promos you ever heard. Mick then took that energy and transformed it into something special. After people read his book and began to learn about Mick, he took that fact and made you fall in love with him. He was an underdog you cheered for because you understood where hes been. One of the most unnerving men behind the microphone ever in the wrestling industry, bottom line.
1. Ric Flair
Fucking Ric Flair. He is the best promo guy ever. I'm sorry if you have a different opinion because, sadly, you are wrong. Flair had two modes. Arrogant Flair and Bat Shit Crazy Flair and he was the best at both of them. When Flair's character was confident. He would strut to the ring with slow confidence and make you hate him. He would talk about his expensive suits, his limos, his planes, his watches, he would even take out a wad of money from his pocket just because he could. When we wrestled southern territories, it was that type of arrogance that made him loathed by fans. When Flair's character was bested or embarrassed. You got a whole new character from him. He went nuts. I would almost love to see him lose because I knew what type of shit show would be ready for the day after. He would convince everyone that he lost his mind. He would throw clothes all over the ring, and perform his famous (and my most loved) elbow drop his suit jacket maneuver. He would rave on and on and turn red as a stop sign to a point where you became concerned for his health. He would take the tone of the interview to a point where you never knew if "this was finally the day Flair snapped" he was just that damn good at what he did.
Corrosion of Conformity - Long Whip/Big America. Though, never an easy question when I am asked who my favorite band is, the answer is Corrosion of Conformity. I first heard of them when I was in grade 9. The first album I heard was the "Wiseblood" . Long whip was the first song I heard and was blown away. Great guitar riff, amazing drums and bass line. And it didn't hurt that the singer reminded me of Metallicas James Hetfield. Amazing band for any rock fan. Fantastic Bass lines and drums! If you enjoy, comment and I will be happy giving you other suggestions.
Corrosion of Conformity - Long Whip/ Big America (download link)
Corrosion of Conformity - Long Whip/ Big America (download link)
let me tell you bout this denver shit
so i was on the news. the local news. in the background, for five seconds. at 8AM. in the morning. i can't find any footage, yet, but i was tired, rained on, and disoriented so it's probably not worth seeing anyway, like pretty much everything i do (oh!!).
And this is interesting-- most Chux Chazerz are probz aware I used to bone out for Jonathan Richman pretty hard. Well, look at this. He played at the Bug shortly before the Acrocats did so I can say something like, "Ian Clemente has shared the stage with the likes of Jonathan Richman." Anyway, I know Jonathan pretends not to be interested in the interneted or, really, anything at all, except like, art and foreign languagem but this is my shout out to Jonathan Richman from Ian who has played somewhere you has. Yo Jojo!!
let some other people tell y'all bout this denver shit
so i was on the news. the local news. in the background, for five seconds. at 8AM. in the morning. i can't find any footage, yet, but i was tired, rained on, and disoriented so it's probably not worth seeing anyway, like pretty much everything i do (oh!!).
And this is interesting-- most Chux Chazerz are probz aware I used to bone out for Jonathan Richman pretty hard. Well, look at this. He played at the Bug shortly before the Acrocats did so I can say something like, "Ian Clemente has shared the stage with the likes of Jonathan Richman." Anyway, I know Jonathan pretends not to be interested in the interneted or, really, anything at all, except like, art and foreign languagem but this is my shout out to Jonathan Richman from Ian who has played somewhere you has. Yo Jojo!!
let some other people tell y'all bout this denver shit
So of all the different bands I have played with, this was by far the funnest. We were named Random Ripples.
When music couldn't get any more repetitive, boring and stupid a couple of buddies and myself said "Yes we can". We decided we would write the most ridiculous songs we could. And we did! We recorded many songs, but the tip of the iceberg was a track called "Smiling Zed and the Baconettes: Bacon". A song that's title is almost as long as the songs duration.
Influenced by bands from like Primus we recorded 3 songs. This is the only one I still have a copy of. Rarely do I share this song with anyone but I feel if I am going to do it anywhere, it would be here. If I come across the other songs I will share them. Until then, I present "Bacon".
And as one of the "artists" I would love for you to download it. I will not sue you. The song may be good to have when you discuss the worst songs ever recorded with your friends.
Random Ripples - Bacon
When music couldn't get any more repetitive, boring and stupid a couple of buddies and myself said "Yes we can". We decided we would write the most ridiculous songs we could. And we did! We recorded many songs, but the tip of the iceberg was a track called "Smiling Zed and the Baconettes: Bacon". A song that's title is almost as long as the songs duration.
Influenced by bands from like Primus we recorded 3 songs. This is the only one I still have a copy of. Rarely do I share this song with anyone but I feel if I am going to do it anywhere, it would be here. If I come across the other songs I will share them. Until then, I present "Bacon".
And as one of the "artists" I would love for you to download it. I will not sue you. The song may be good to have when you discuss the worst songs ever recorded with your friends.
Random Ripples - Bacon
I am obligated by the Canadian rules of radio to play at least one Canadian song in every 5 or 6 songs. We at Canadian Construx Nunchux respect, and follow these rules and regulations.
My first song is All About U by Classified. I remember the first time I heard this song. Times were tough and I was living in a motel at the time. I remember sitting there with a buddy and the music video for this song came on Much Music (they still played music videos regularly at this time, until it turned into a low budget MTV) I loved this song instantly. It seemed so different from all of the hip hop songs that were out at the time, I really liked the acoustic guitar and harmony in the song which wasn't in most songs of the genre. Plus the video wasn't just a bunch of women dancing around in neon bikinis under a black light. Still, I love this song and often drive around with it cranked in my car.
Classified - All About U (download link)
Here is a list of all the Penguins Prospects for the 2012-13 season.
If there are any errors please let @evil_shero on twitter.
D'Agostino, Nick @DAGwood6
Despres, Simon @Despres747
Dumuolin, Brian @Du24theboyz
Harrington, Scott None
Maatta, Olli. None
McNeill, Reid. None
Morrow, Joe @JMorrow7
Pouliot, Derrick. @dpouliot51
Ruopp, Harrison @_ruoppster
Samuelsson, Philip. @psamuelsson5
Seymour, Clark @Seabiscuit4
Sustr, Andrej @AndrejSustr (private)
Velischek, Alex. None
Agostino, Kenny @SiddTheSloth18
Archibald, Josh @therealarchie15
Bennett, Beau @BeauBennett78
Blueger, Teddy None
Gibbons, Brian @Bgibb99
Kuhnhackl, Tom none
Laganiere, Antoine @alaganiere
Marcantuoni, Matia @mm_91
Megna, Jayson None
O'Brien, Liam None
Opperman, Grant @Grass_Hopperman
Payerl, Adam @adampayerl
Sill, Zach None
Sundqvist, Oskar. None
Thompson, Paul @P_Thomps
Uher, Dominik @uhi92
Wilson, Scott None
Zlobin, Anton None
Faragher, Ryan @fedz29
Maguire, Sean @smag31
Murray, Matt @mattmurray_30
D'Agostino, Nick @DAGwood6
Despres, Simon @Despres747
Dumuolin, Brian @Du24theboyz
Harrington, Scott None
Maatta, Olli. None
McNeill, Reid. None
Morrow, Joe @JMorrow7
Pouliot, Derrick. @dpouliot51
Ruopp, Harrison @_ruoppster
Samuelsson, Philip. @psamuelsson5
Seymour, Clark @Seabiscuit4
Sustr, Andrej @AndrejSustr (private)
Velischek, Alex. None
Agostino, Kenny @SiddTheSloth18
Archibald, Josh @therealarchie15
Bennett, Beau @BeauBennett78
Blueger, Teddy None
Gibbons, Brian @Bgibb99
Kuhnhackl, Tom none
Laganiere, Antoine @alaganiere
Marcantuoni, Matia @mm_91
Megna, Jayson None
O'Brien, Liam None
Opperman, Grant @Grass_Hopperman
Payerl, Adam @adampayerl
Sill, Zach None
Sundqvist, Oskar. None
Thompson, Paul @P_Thomps
Uher, Dominik @uhi92
Wilson, Scott None
Zlobin, Anton None
Faragher, Ryan @fedz29
Maguire, Sean @smag31
Murray, Matt @mattmurray_30
Admiral Fallow is similar to a Scottish version of Mumford & Sons. They have a nice blend of folk and rock that are endearing and catchy at the same time. The thick Scottish accent paired with whiskey driven energy gives them such a nice sound. They are a relatively new band with Squealing Pigs making to my Top 100 in 2010.
The song is called The Paper Trench. I love the melody, the chorus, and the overall feel of this song. Its very fun to sing along and when you hear it you cant help but tap your foot.
The song is called The Paper Trench. I love the melody, the chorus, and the overall feel of this song. Its very fun to sing along and when you hear it you cant help but tap your foot.
You can download it FREE HERE I hope you all enjoy it.
This band is called Cast of Cheers and I think I like them alot because they sound an awful lot like Bloc Party. This is just fun dance-rock with a pretty massive sound from a small band. This album came out in February called Family. So far so good.
This song is called Family you can download it HERE enjoy.
This song is called Family you can download it HERE enjoy.
The Hives are one of the few bands out there that just go out and rock faces. They are fun, talented, and they make catchy songs you can fist pump to in the car. This is off their newest album Lex Hives that came out a few weeks ago. I absolutely love this song. Its a ode to just old style rock and roll devil-may-care lifestyle.
They are a band that just does it right when it comes to making music.
They are a band that just does it right when it comes to making music.
The song is called "Go Right Ahead" you can have it for FREE HERE enjoy.
It seems things are just beginning between Cats and Kittens in lower Saskatchewan. The cat war could be more then just some silly idea in a cat interview. Though at this point Construx Nunchux has little detail on why this war is happening, now pictures are beginning to circulate and we have the most recent images. As soon as more information on the war is made clear, we assure the Construx Nunchux fans that you will be the first to know!
Warning. Some of these pictures may be graphic. Adult supervision is suggested if you are under 16.
As we mentioned, as soon as more news, pictures and details come out you will know right away. All we can confirm is these cats are pissed. I suggest giving your cats extra hugs because you never know where they might release their anger.
Warning. Some of these pictures may be graphic. Adult supervision is suggested if you are under 16.
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Marching Cats. Clearly only the most intelligent cats are selected for this war. This might lead one to believe there is some sort of draft in place. |
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The 4th of July. War hasn't stopped the American cats from celebration. This little guy came flying down from the sky, throwing cat nip to all the kittens who enjoyed the show from the ground. |
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We cant confirm anything, but it seems from this picture cats are being mutated for this war. My sources say ooze is being used but nothing can be confirmed. |
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Cats, Kittens and Tanks? Clearly cats have no fear even when matched up against the mightiest of machines. This cat appears to be attacking a tank. |
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No word on what side this cat is on, however this leads us to believe this kitten may be in charge of one of the sides. |
As we mentioned, as soon as more news, pictures and details come out you will know right away. All we can confirm is these cats are pissed. I suggest giving your cats extra hugs because you never know where they might release their anger.