There's a game my wife and I have played with our kids at the dinner table since they were little. Simply put, we would each say our "FAVORITE" word that began with an A, then a B, then a C and so on and so forth.
My son shook the dust off of this little game a few nights ago, adding Themes to the mix. He chose Animals, my daughter chose Doctor Who references, my wife chose to go with no theme and I chose Video Games.
It was actually pretty fun to do and I decided that it would be interesting to see what games the listeners of Toons Game Time would come up with, given the large selection of titles over the numerous generations of consoles.
So, fill out the form below and before next week's Toons Game Time, I will pool the results and share the different games that everybody came up with for your listening pleasure. List only one game per letter and only do it once, if you please.
- ToonsBrian
construxnunchux Summer Jamz #11 - @DZK - Drugbliminal Messages
7:51:00 AMRyan NobleThis song is of pretty deep. Some heavy situations in this journey. First, it starts with a party of all guys and they all accidentally do Viagra. Also, a guy makes a cake for his mom with pot and she just keeps singing at him while he is trying to bum money off of her. Join construx nunchux and DZK on this deep music journey!
I almost pissed myself the first time I heard this song. If you are into hip hop and are not super sensitive this is a great song. Check it out!
Have you ever watched the TV Hole in the Wall? When watching, it have you ever really wanted to see 6 thong clad body builders (and a polar bear) do it instead ... at top speed ... while chasing a thief? It's OK, at +Construx Nunchux / we support you and don't care about what you're into. If that IS your thing then you have to check out this week's offering of Japan's absurd side of gaming.

Honestly, it sounds really fun. Then you see the trailer ... There's yelling, aliens, rainbows, butts, wild J-Pop music it's the amalgam of everything awesome about Japanese gaming. If it doesn't sell you on the game, I don't even know why you are reading this sentence.