2012 featured

Lobster Lobby Season 1 Episode 16 (2012)

5:56:00 PMPaul

Paul: The debut of Bill DeMarcus (shrug.jpg) one of Construx's arch-rivals debuts here. Ian's brilliant improv brings out the Lobster Treaty and our enemy Bill DeMarcus. This is a landmark episode!

Ian: Oh man. Bill DeMarcus!!! What a long and storied history there is there. I never was clear if he was universally derided or just a personal nemesis of Your Host's (on par with Dad from ep 8). Why is Bill DeMarcus DEAD? This is such stream of confidence.  This is probably arrogant to say, but I love the commitment in putting this show on. I love the second half of Lob Lob Ssn 1 and how dedicatedly unhinged it got. Paul put some real great edits together. These eps are the same length as a catchy pop song. The show is so weird, but the studio audience seems to love it. Before you go researching, there is no North American Lobster Treaty.

Episode 16: We had alot of questions regarding our official stance of Lobsters we answer these questions. We go over the history of Lobsters. We call out our rival Bill Demarcus and your host brings it all home!

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